By indicating your acceptance, you understand, agree, warrant and covenant as follows:
For and in consideration of the acceptance of my San Diego Track Club membership (hereinafter “club”). I attest that I am physically fit, have sufficiently trained for and am mentally and physically capable of participating in a running and walking activity and that involvement in club activities is voluntary and is done at my own risk. I understand that my participation in club events and programs are an inherently dangerous activity and that risks of participating include, but are not limited to, death and serious bodily injury. I assume all risks associated with being an active member of the club. I hereby, for my myself, my heirs, my administrators and executors, personal representative and my assigns forever waive, release and discharge any and all rights and claims for damages or losses, whether monetary or otherwise compensatory, that I may have against: (i) the club, its directors, officers, employees, members, representatives and agents. (ii) all sponsors and partners of the club, their affiliates, their representatives and successors: (iii) any of the event's officials, participants, organizers, planners, volunteers for any injuries sustained by me arising out of my association with, entry in, or participation in membership activity. I understand and agree that medical or other services rendered to me by or at the instance of any of the above parties is not an admission of liability to provide or continue to provide any such services and is not a waiver by any said parties of any right hereunder. I also acknowledge that should I require transport to a medical facility, I must pay for such transportation and any treatment provided. I further agree now and forever to hold the above named and unnamed parties harmless and indemnify, and covenant not to sue them for all claims, damages, judgments, and costs of whatever nature and form. I agree to abide by all instructions from club officials and I agree to withdraw from an event or program if such official in his or her judgment and discretion determines that I should not participate including because my participation poses a threat to the safety of myself or others or because I did not abide by any instruction given to me. I grant permission to the club and others to use any photographs, videotapes, motion pictures, recordings or any other record of me for any legitimate purpose. I also grant permission for the club to contact me by email at any time. I understand that membership fees paid by or for me are nonrefundable and that unless I specifically opt out, I will be auto-renewed for 2025 on December 31, 2024.